+1 780-247-0247

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La Crete Alberta

Serving Northern Alberta and NWT

Adventure Northwest rates
2025/2026 Price List (in usd)

Discover the Premier Big-Game Hunting Experience in the Canadian North


Central Barren Ground Caribou
Beechey Lake, Nunavut Territory

Single Bull Caribou hunt (2X1 Guided): $18,000.00  (Email for open dates) 2026 dates available

Single Bull Caribou hunt (1X1 Guided): $20,000.00 (Email for open dates) 2026 dates available

Second Bull tag: $1,500 plus $7,500 kill fee when taken

Muskox tag (when available): $1,500 plus $8,500 kill fee

Grizzly tag (when available): $2,500 plus $8,500 kill fee

Air charter: $2,900.00 Return

Hunt package includes: 6 hunting days, accommodation / meals while in camp, field prep of your trophy, meat and hides, transportation from the hotel – float base return, wolf and wolverine can be added for the cost of the tag.

Not included: Government license ($300/caribou, $170/wolf/wolverine $40/fishing $60 hunting license) 5% goods and service tax, meat processing, transportation to Yellowknife and all costs associated with that, Canadian Firearms import fee (if applicable).

Arctic Island Muskox
Holman, Northwest Territories

1 Muskox: $11,500.00

2nd Muskox: $8,000.00

We have an extremely long history of successful muskox hunts out of this camp. Great hunt for the species collector.

Hunt package includes: 5 hunting days, accommodation/meals while in camp, one guide for every hunter, field prep of trophy and hides.

Not included: Muskox License, Government tax (5%), trophy and export fees, commercial flights to and from Communities and accommodation/meals while in Yellowknife and extra nights in community due to bad weather etc.


Book Your Hunting Adventure Today

Our hunting grounds are in northern alberta, we operate within hundreds of miles of high quality hunting fields and have substantial of trophy quality animals found nowhere else in alberta
+1 780-247-0247

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La Crete Alberta

Serving Northern Alberta and NWT

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