Adventure Northwest rates
2025/2026 Price List (in usd)
Discover the Premier Big-Game Hunting Experience in the Canadian North

Central Barren Ground Caribou
Beechey Lake, Nunavut Territory
Single Bull Caribou hunt (2X1 Guided): $18,000.00 (Email for open dates) 2026 dates available
Single Bull Caribou hunt (1X1 Guided): $20,000.00 (Email for open dates) 2026 dates available
Second Bull tag: $1,500 plus $7,500 kill fee when taken
Muskox tag (when available): $1,500 plus $8,500 kill fee
Grizzly tag (when available): $2,500 plus $8,500 kill fee
Air charter: $2,900.00 Return
Hunt package includes: 6 hunting days, accommodation / meals while in camp, field prep of your trophy, meat and hides, transportation from the hotel – float base return, wolf and wolverine can be added for the cost of the tag.
Not included: Government license ($300/caribou, $170/wolf/wolverine $40/fishing $60 hunting license) 5% goods and service tax, meat processing, transportation to Yellowknife and all costs associated with that, Canadian Firearms import fee (if applicable).
Arctic Island Muskox
Holman, Northwest Territories
1 Muskox: $11,500.00
2nd Muskox: $8,000.00
We have an extremely long history of successful muskox hunts out of this camp. Great hunt for the species collector.
Hunt package includes: 5 hunting days, accommodation/meals while in camp, one guide for every hunter, field prep of trophy and hides.
Not included: Muskox License, Government tax (5%), trophy and export fees, commercial flights to and from Communities and accommodation/meals while in Yellowknife and extra nights in community due to bad weather etc.

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